VTCT Entry Level Extended Certificate in Hair and Beauty Skills
The primary outcome of the VTCT Entry Level 3 Extended Certificate in Hair and Beauty Skills (VRQ) is to prepare you to operate independently and effectively in life, learning and work. All the units in this qualification relate directly to preparing you to independently care for your personal grooming, personal hygiene, appearance and personal presentation.
Level 1 Extended Certificate in Hair and Beauty Skills
The main purpose of the VTCT Level 1 Extended Certificate in Hair and Beauty Skills (VRQ) is to prepare you to progress to the next level of vocational learning. All the units in this qualification directly prepare you for further study in the hair and beauty sector. This qualification includes all the required elements to develop your practical hair and beauty skills including a mandatory unit in Create a hair and beauty image using colour. You will also have the opportunity to develop your understanding and skills further by selecting optional units including: Hand and nail care, Foot and toenail care, Make-up application, Skincare, Nail art and Face painting. You will also have the opportunity to develop your knowledge and understanding of relevant hair and beauty products, health and safety, customer services, designing retail display areas and the hair and beauty sector.
VTCT Level 2 Diploma in Women’s Hairdressing
The VTCT Level 2 Diploma in Women’s Hairdressing is a qualification that has been specifically designed to develop your practical skills in; the creative art of cutting or dressing women’s hair, how to provide effective shampooing and conditioning services, the artistic skill of colouring and lightening hair and how to provide a good consultation service for your clients.
Is this course right for me?
On this one year course you will learn by completing projects and assignments based on realistic workplace situations, activities and demands. You will gain knowledge and understanding of core subject areas within the Hair and Beauty industry, to support progression to further learning or the workplace.
VTCT Entry Level Extended Certificate in Hair and Beauty Skills
- There are no specific recommended prior learning requirements for this qualification. However, learners may find it helpful if they’ve already achieved an Entry Level 3 qualification.
Level 1 Extended Certificate in Hair and Beauty Skills
- There are no specific recommended prior learning requirements for this qualification. However, learners may find it helpful if they’ve already achieved a Level 1 qualification.
VTCT Level 2 Diploma in Women’s Hairdressing
- There are no specific recommended prior learning requirements for this qualification. However, learners may find it helpful if they’ve already achieved a Level 1 qualification.
VTCT Entry Level Extended Certificate in Hair and Beauty Skills
- There are no specific recommended prior learning requirements for this qualification. However, learners may find it helpful if they’ve already achieved an Entry Level 3 qualification.
Level 1 Extended Certificate in Hair and Beauty Skills
- There are no specific recommended prior learning requirements for this qualification. However, learners may find it helpful if they’ve already achieved a Level 1 qualification.
VTCT Level 2 Diploma in Women’s Hairdressing
- There are no specific recommended prior learning requirements for this qualification. However, learners may find it helpful if they’ve already achieved a Level 1 qualification.
VTCT Entry Level Extended Certificate in Hair and Beauty Skills
- This is a vocationally related qualification and includes all the required elements to independently care for your personal hygiene and presentation including a mandatory unit in creating your own hair and beauty image. This unit will enable you to produce a total look on yourself based on a day, evening or a special occasion look. You will be able to create a mood board of your ideas based on a theme and this will help with the planning of your finished look.
- You will also have the opportunity to further develop your understanding and skills by selecting optional units including: personal care and hygiene, paint your own nails, care for your own skin, shampoo and condition your own hair, blow-dry and finish your own hair, apply your own make-up, care for your own feet, communication skills, an introduction to the hair and beauty sector and to the use of hair and beauty tools and equipment.
Level 1 Extended Certificate in Hair and Beauty Skills
This qualification includes all the required elements to develop your practical hair and beauty skills including a mandatory unit in Create a hair and beauty image using colour. You will also have the opportunity to develop your understanding and skills further by selecting optional units including: Hand and nail care, Foot and toenail care, Make-up application, Skincare, Nail art and Face painting.
You will also have the opportunity to develop your knowledge and understanding of relevant hair and beauty products, health and safety, customer services, designing retail display areas and the hair and beauty sector.
Level 2 Diploma in Women’s Hairdressing
The VTCT Level 2 Diploma in Women’s Hairdressing is a qualification that has been specifically designed to develop your practical skills in; the creative art of cutting or dressing women’s hair, how to provide effective shampooing and conditioning services, the artistic skill of colouring and lightening hair and how to provide a good consultation service for your clients.
All students who may have not achieved a minimum grade 4 in GCSE English or Maths will continue to work towards either a GCSE or Functional Skills qualification as part of their timetable. |
VTCT Entry Level Extended Certificate in Hair and Beauty Skills
Units in this qualification are assessed using an achievement-based model, in that theory and practical criteria are either ‘Achieved’ (Pass) or ‘Not Yet Achieved’ (Fail). The assessment instrument used in Entry Level 3 units, is a multi-component Pass/Fail marking rubric containing learning outcomes and assessment criteria, which are used to judge evidence based on either portfolio evidence (theory) or observed performance (practical). To achieve a Pass in this qualification, learners must achieve all learning outcomes and assessment criteria for each unit in the qualification. The learning outcomes and assessment criteria can be found in the ‘What you must know and do’ sections of the Record of Assessment book for each unit.
Level 1 Extended Certificate in Hair and Beauty Studies
This qualification will provide learners with the opportunity to differentiate their achievement and gain not just a pass, but either a merit or distinction grade for the qualification. Each unit is graded either; Pass, Merit or Distinction and each grade is worth a certain number of points. Unit points are added together to calculate the overall qualification grade. The grading mechanism is compensatory whereby learners have the opportunity during one summative practical assessment to achieve Additional Performance Standards which determine their unit grade. Examples of Additional Performance Standards include: • Work skills e.g. learners submitted their work on time • Communication e.g. learners communicated clearly and confidently in a polite, friendly manner • Attention to detail e.g. learners maintained a clean and safe working environment
Level 2 Diploma in Women’s Hairdressing
Each candidate must create a portfolio of evidence which demonstrates achievement of all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria associated with each unit. On completion of each unit candidates must declare that the work produced is their own. The Assessor must countersign this. The main pieces of evidence for the portfolio could include (in no particular order):
- External examination
- Graded Practical Assessment
- Assessor observation – completed observational checklists and related action plans
• witness testimony
• candidate’s proof of work
• worksheets
• assignments/projects/reports
• record of professional discussion
• record of oral and written questioning
• candidate and peer reports
• Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
VTCT Entry Level Extended Certificate in Hair and Beauty Skills
This qualification will assist you to operate independently and effectively in life, learning and work. Another outcome of this qualification will be to re-engage you with learning through the exciting subjects of hairdressing and beauty therapy. You will gain knowledge and skills through learning about topics that will be of interest to you and help you to build your confidence and self-esteem. As a result of achieving this qualification, you are likely to be motivated to undertake further study at Level 1.
VTCT qualifications that could support this include:
– VTCT Level 1 Award in Hair and Beauty Skills (VRQ)
– VTCT Level 1 Certificate in Hair and Beauty Skills (VRQ)
– VTCT Level 1 Diploma in Hair and Beauty Skills (VRQ)
– VTCT Level 1 Extended Award in Hair and Beauty Skills (VRQ)
– VTCT Level 1 Extended Certificate in Hair and Beauty Skills (VRQ)
Level 1 Extended Certificate in Hair and Beauty Skills
On completion of this qualification learners will be able to progress to the next level of vocational learning. Progression qualifications include: • VTCT Level 2 Award in Hair and Beauty Skills (VRQ) • VTCT Level 2 Extended Award in Hair and Beauty Skills (VRQ) • VTCT Level 2 Certificate in Hair and Beauty Skills (VRQ) • VTCT Level 2 Extended Certificate in Hair and Beauty Skills (VRQ) • VTCT Level 2 Diploma in Hair and Beauty Skills (VRQ) • VTCT Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Nail Services • VTCT Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Beauty Therapy (Make-up) • VTCT Level 2 Diploma in Beauty Specialist Techniques 7 • VTCT Level 2 Diploma in Beauty Therapy Studies • VTCT Level 2 Diploma in Hair and Media Make-up • VTCT Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Hairdressing • VTCT Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Barbering • VTCT Level 2 Diploma in Women’s Hairdressing • VTCT Level 2 Diploma in Barbering
Level 2 Diploma in Women’s Hairdressing
When you have successfully completed this qualification will have the opportunity to progress to the following VTCT qualifications:
NVQ qualifications: • Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Hairdressing (Combined Hair Types) • Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Barbering • Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Chemically Treated African Type Hair • Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Treating Natural African Type Hair • Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Barbering African Type Hair • Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Hairdressing Progression opportunities also exist in the form of specialist VTCT vocationally related qualifications: • Level 2 Diploma in Barbering • Level 2 Diploma in African Caribbean Hairdressing • Level 2 Certificate in Barbering • Level 2 Certificate in African Caribbean Hairdressing • Level 2 Award in Wig Services • Level 2 Award in Emergency First Aid at Work • Level 2 Award in Preventing Contact Dermatitis • Level 3 Diploma in Women’s Hairdressing • Level 3 Certificate in Perming Hair • Level 3 Certificate in Colouring Hair • Level 3 Certificate in Hair Extensions Services • Level 3 Certificate in Creative Hair Design • Level 3 Award in Cutting Women’s Hair • Level 3 Award in Bridal Hairstyling
This qualification may lead directly into employment in a salon as a junior stylist or to work as an independent hairdresser.
As a Bridge Training student, you may incur additional costs to attend our course, for example it is likely you may need to pay for travel and stationery. Many courses offer learning opportunities that you may need to pay for, this may include things like study visits, trips and external activities.
Clothing will be required for the vocational and/or work experience elements of the course (this can be purchased through bridge Training at a reduced cost) You may be eligible for funding. Find out more on our student finance page. Any costs above are approximate and may change.
Any additional costs will be dependant upon the course, activity and associated level. Find out more on our student finance page. Any costs above are approximate and may change.
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Disclaimer: Bridge Training takes all reasonable steps to provide the educational services and courses as described above. Details are correct at the time of editing but may be subject to change without prior notice. Courses will not run if student numbers are insufficient. Bridge Training has the right to refuse individuals entry to courses in certain circumstances. Prospective students may be advised of more suitable alternatives, if appropriate. The entry requirements stated are those that are normally required to undertake the programme of study.